Protocols for the Internet of Things & Serverless Architecture

About me

Markus Tacker

Markus Tacker

Senior R&D Engineer
Twitter: @coderbyheart

  • 1980: Born in Germany (Xennial)
  • 1998: first business building websites
  • 2003: Mediengestalter für Digital- und Printmedien, Fachrichtung Medienoperating nonprint
  • 2012: B.Sc. Computer Science (Univ. Wiesbaden)
  • 2017+: in Trondheim, at Nordic Semiconductor

My work at Nordic Semiconductor


First full time cloud engineer working on building Software-as-a-service (Saas) offering.


Application Group to work on on open-source end-to-end examples of real world IoT products.


Protocols for the Internet of Things

  • Application data
  • Data protocols
  • Transport protocols
  • Wireless radio protocols
  • Summary

Serverless Architecture

  • Scenario overview
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) implementation
  • Microsoft Azure

Protocols for the Internet of Things

Application data

Typical IoT Data Protocol Configuration

Typical IoT Data Protocol Configuration

The four kinds of data

  1. Device State
  2. Device Configuration
  3. Past Data
  4. Firmware Updates

1. Device State

  • sensor readings (like position, temperature)
  • information about its health (like battery level)

Because the latest state should be immediately visible: buffer data in a Digital Twin.

Typical IoT Data Protocol Configuration

Update Device State only if needed

  • implement situational awareness on the device
  • only send relevant data
    • did a sensor reach a critical threshold?
    • has enough time passed since last update?
    • is the connection good enough?

2. Device Configuration

  • change behaviour of device in real time (e.g. sensor sensititiy, timeouts)
  • configure physical state (e.g. locked state of a door lock)
  • cloud side owns device state (because the device may lose power and state)
Typical IoT Data Protocol Configuration

3. Past Data

Cellular IoT devices need to send data about past events: they will be offline most of the time.

Coverage map

Store past data in a database for retrieval

  • Store data on device until it can connect again
  • Send data batched to the cloud
Typical IoT Data Protocol Configuration

4. Firmware Updates

  • 2-3 magnitudes larger than a control message (~250 KB)
  • notification via control channel (MQTT)
  • download via data channel (HTTP): less overhead, supports resume

Summary: Application data

  • great potential for optimization
  • initiating and maintaining network connection is magnitudes more expensive compared to other device operations (for example reading a sensor value)
  • invest a substantial amount into optimizing these when developing an ultra-low power product

Data protocols

  • JSON
  • Alternatives to JSON
    • Protocol buffers
    • Flatbuffers
    • CBOR


  "v": {
    "lng": 10.414394,
    "lat": 63.430588,
    "acc": 17.127758,
    "alt": 221.639832,
    "spd": 0.320966,
    "hdg": 0
  "ts": 1566042672382

“default” data protocol for IoT (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)

👍 human readable
👍 schema-less (self-describing)

👎 overhead

Possible Optimizations

GPS location message

  "v": {
    "lng": 10.414394,
    "lat": 63.430588,
    "acc": 17.127758,
    "alt": 221.639832,
    "spd": 0.320966,
    "hdg": 0
  "ts": 1566042672382

02 36 01 37 51 4b 73 2b
d4 24 40 09 68 06 f1 81
1d b7 4f 40 11 68 cd 8f
bf b4 20 31 40 19 e6 5d
f5 80 79 b4 6b 40 21 1a
30 48 fa b4 8a d4 3f 29
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
09 00 e0 cf ac f6 c9 76

114 bytes
without newlines

Protocol Buffers
65 bytes (-42%)

Protocol buffers

  • send structured data in efficient binary format without overhead
  • message format can be changed (ammended) without breaking existing clients
  • small implementation for embedded devices exists: nanopb



  • maps JSON to binary structures
  • zero configuration needed between exchanging parties
  • support for embedded devices: tinycbor

CBOR: example

GPS location message

  "v": {
    "lng": 10.414394,
    "lat": 63.430588,
    "acc": 17.127758,
    "alt": 221.639832,
    "spd": 0.320966,
    "hdg": 0
  "ts": 1566042672382

A2 61 76 A6 63 6C 6E 67
FB 40 24 D4 2B 73 4B 51
37 63 6C 61 74 FB 40 4F
B7 1D 81 F1 06 68 63 61
63 63 FB 40 31 20 B4 BF
8F CD 68 63 61 6C 74 FB
40 6B B4 79 80 F5 5D E6
63 73 70 64 FB 3F D4 8A
B4 FA 48 30 1A 63 68 64
67 00 62 74 73 1B 00 00
01 6C 9F 6A CC FE

114 bytes
without newlines

86 bytes (-24%)

Summary: Data protocols

Look into denser data protocols!
JSON is for Humans.

  • devices always™ send the same structure:
    no need to transmit it
  • less data to send
    • less money spent on data (grows linear with № of devices)
    • less energy consumed = longer device lifetime
    • lower chance of failed transmit

Transport protocols



common protocol for “ecommerce” cloud vendors
(AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)

  • great fit for asynchronous, event oriented communication: MQTT is bidirectional pub/sub model
  • overhead:
    • topic name in every MQTT package
      № of topics per device: ~3
    • TLS handshake with AWS IoT broker: ~10 KB
  • Supported out of the box in nRF Connect SDK


MQTT-SN 1.2 Specification

  • optimized version designed specifically IoT
  • supports UDP
  • use numeric IDs instead of strings for topic names
  • better offline support
  • not supported out of the box in nRF Connect SDK
  • not supported by cloud vendors: needs a (stateful) Gateway


Wireless radio protocols

Wireless radio protocols


  • 375 kbps downlink, 300 kbps uplink
  • ~100 kbps application throughput running IP
  • supports roaming (same as LTE)
  • typically uses frequency bands above 2 Ghz
  • ms-latency


  • 60 kbps downlink, 30 kbps uplink
  • typically uses frequency bands below 2 Ghz
  • no roaming support (some Telcos do offer custom solution)
  • good indoor/underground penetration characteristics
  • long range



for medium throughput applications requiring low power, low latency and/or mobility

  • asset tracking
  • wearables
  • medical
  • POS
  • home security


for static, low throughput applications requiring low power and long range

  • smart metering
  • smart agriculture
  • smart city


  • no silver bullet - multiple conflicting dimensions need to be considered
  • highly depends on use case scenario
  • ultra-low power relevant in all scenarios

Serverless architecture

What is serverless?

Serverless computing allows me to focus on implementing the solution, and not spend time on maintaining the infrastructure needed to execute it.

More detailed analysis:

Why I like serverless

  • build globally scalable solutions with a small team
  • suprises are rare, allows me to go on vacation

Horizontal Scalablity

  • Serverless implementations depend on stateless, event-driven implementations.
  • This allows to process as many requests as needed, in parallel.
  • However, you have to deal with eventual consistency.

Updating individual components

Instead of restarting the instance,
I can update an individual function.

Downsides of serverless

  • Testing cloud-native solutions really is a challenge.
  • More ceremony involved, defining infrastructure as code is now your job.
  • Impossible to run it locally.
  • Huge mindset shift from the classical application server model (LAMP, Tomcat, Rails), to a serverless, stateless, eventual consistent application development model.

IoT <3 Serverless

  • Many, many devices, that don’t share global state
  • Needs to scale to billions of devices, connections, message per day
  • Many different operations with different business needs (processing) on small datasets, suits serverless microservice model very well

Architecture Example: store and retrieve temperature data

Historical Data

AWS implementation

AWS implementation

Azure implementation

Azure implementation

Book recommendations

Thank you & happy connecting!

Please share your feedback!
Twitter: @coderbyheart

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